What I love about these recipes is that they are usually very easy to follow (despite being written in a language other than my mother tongue) with simple procedures. Some may take more time than others, but of those I have tried, none have been too complicated to carry out. The inside of each card features preparations on the left and a shopping list on the right, including color photographs and labels of some of the ingredients -- perfect for this German-language learner. I know many of my veggies now, for sure!
Although most of the shopping lists suggest Coop brand products or items found only at Coop, I almost never follow this part very strictly. Really, I find no difference between Coop's Betty Bossi Kuchenteig (paste) and the same product sold at Migros. Coop, never one to miss an opportunity to make an etxra buck, also sells special books to help you organize your Coop recipes. I'll just continue to store mine in envelopes, thank you.
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